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Night Care and Waking Night Support

Night Care and Waking Night Support

These are special service offerings we provide during night-time where a dedicated team of staff work throughout the night, so that our customers can feel and remain well supported and cared for whatever the time.

Our night care assistant sleeps at the property for a minimum of eight hours during the night. Even if they are off the site, they can be called at any time to address any unforeseen incidence.

When you do not require regular support but feel uncomfortable when left alone throughout the night these are the services you need to address issues of sleep deprivation and anxieties. Quite often this is the case when service users have the need for companionship and support.

Night care and support help you to remain healthy and happy. Quite often, assistance may be needed for several times in one night (waking night), still this is catered for to ensure nothing is left to chance in keeping service users comfortable. This may be necessitated by need for regular intervals during the night to change position due to injury, or if you must administer medication at regular intervals.

Waking night care professionals are available throughout the duration of the night, providing an elevated level of expert support to the service user.

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